Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Eugenics & the New World Order

A few weeks ago a gentleman from Creation Ministries visited our church and gave a presentation on the creation vs evolution topic. One of the products of an evolutionary viewpoint is Eugenics and Social Darwinism.

Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention. Throughout history, eugenics has been regarded by its various advocates as a social responsibility, an altruistic stance of a society, meant to create healthier, stronger and/or more intelligent people, to save resources, and lessen human suffering.

Social Darwinism is a theory that competition among all individuals, groups, nations or ideas drives social evolution in human societies. The term draws upon the common use of the term Darwinism to refer to various evolutionary ideas and ideas of "survival of the fittest.

In other words, if one adopts atheistic evolution as a belief system, it follows that the process can be helped along by human intervention to spur on the evolution of the human species. Only the rich, strong, healthy, intelligent white population are fit to survive. The poor, weak, infirm, feeble minded non-white should go to the genetic scrapheap. If you’re Adolf Hitler, add Jews to the recipe. Hitler was no innovator either. He simply adopted ideas that were already in process in the early 20th century. Since the demise of Nazism there has been no shortage of like-minded people willing to carry on the eugenics agenda. It can manifest as “in your face” genocide, or be more covert as contaminated tetanus shots given to poor African women to make them sterile. “Just as well I’m white and middle class and living an Australia”….don’t be so naive. The elite of the world have an agenda to bring about a “New World Order” or a “world government”. To achieve this, significant depopulation of the planet is necessary using eugenics as one of many a tools available. You are caught in the web already.

The following video “Endgame” by Alex Jones exposes eugenics and the new world order agenda. It’s long, but it has to lay a foundation of history to make a convincing case. If this is really true, we need to think how this is going to affect Australia, our families and our faith. What is an appropriate Christian response? What would Jesus do? Is this the Apocalypse of Revelation? Should we then just let it happen unopposed because it’s inevitable? Am I just being paranoid? See the video and decide for yourself.

2hr 19min

1 of 14 10min segments

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bohemian Grove

Ok, I can accept that some world leaders can be irresponsible, reckless, capricious, stupid or just self-serving. I can even accept that occasionally they can be downright evil and dangerous, Adolf Hitler being our perennial favorite in this particular category. However, if you were to tell me that our world political, military and corporate leaders meet regularly to participate in pagan rituals wearing robes and burning human effigies before a towering stone owl, I would ask you to pull the other one.

Bohemian Grove is located deep in a Californian redwood forest and annually attracts the elite of the world where they network, hatch deals and participate in the bizarre rituals. Bush snr & jnr, Nixon & Reagan are some of the presidents who have attended Bohemian Grove.

Alex Jones infiltrated the Grove and managed to video the “Cremation of Care” ritual. The following video is a condensed edit of Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove. As you watch this, remember that these are the men who occupy the high places of this planet and plot the destiny of mankind. It should make you shudder.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Cynthia McKinney for President

Cynthia McKinney is courageous Christian woman who was until recently a Democrat Congresswoman and is now running for President under the Green Party. She should be an inspiration to us all. Martin Luther King would be proud.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

March on the Pentagon speech

Who are we and what have we become? speech

Speaking out for 911 truth Part 1
Speaking out for 911 truth Part 2

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Little Swords

In the previous 911 Truth post I mentioned that I had an image given to me about a Sword of Truth at Ground Zero. I also drew an interpretation from the image. Since then, little plastic swords have been coming my way. On Saturday as I was looking through the vacuum cleaner bag checking for lost items I came across a little toy sword and a guitar pick. Thinking nothing more about it, the following day at church, Carmen came up to me and said she wanted to give me a sword. She handed me another little plastic toy sword from a pint sized knight and said "It had been following her around" and not knowing what to do with it, thought it wasn't for her and thought, rather, I needed it. Of course, when I saw this second sword, my jaw dropped and the light dawned. The two swords were personal confirmation that my vision and interpretation were correct. This is really encouraging because I know I'm sailing through dark waters with all this material I'm presenting. Many will think I'm a "conspiracy nut". So be it. The Lord is performing a powerful work in slashing through the lies and deceptions that camouflage the work of evil men. Now armed with my little swords, I have the privilege of fighting alongside my Commander in Chief. Who can stand in our way? PS. He's looking for volunteers. I have created a digital image of the Sword of Truth that I've placed on my profile.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Georgia conflict predicted by computer game

This one is straight from the X Files. The following trailer is for the computer game Tom Clancy's "Ghost Recon". As you watch it you could swear that it's a real life news report released today.

The trailer was released in 2002. Is it just coincidence? Are wars totally predictable if you know how they work...if I mix flour, eggs & milk I usually get pancakes? Or is there an agenda and timeline for these things to occur? And who's thinking years into the future and has the power to manipulate superpower countries around like it was a game of chess? What do they hope to retrieve from the cinders?

And the reference to the "Ghost Recon" Americans are allegedly amongst the dead mercenaries in South Ossetia.

Georgian forces under direction of US "trainers".

The whole thing is like playing "Murder in the Dark". You can't tell who's done what to whom, all you know is that the light's been turned on and there's a body in the middle of the room. Perhaps I should go play Ghost Recon myself. It will probably be closer to the truth than the mainstream news.

Monday, August 11, 2008

US armada heading for the Persian Gulf...NOW!

I shared with you on Thursday that the Bush administration need a war to happen and need it quick. Well, it's happening as we speak and sooner than I thought. An enormous number of US and allied naval hardware is steaming to the Gulf, probably with a view to enforce an embargo on Iran. The Iranians could well call on China & Russia for help...the Russians are already swarming around Georgia, which is just around the corner. That could only be catastrophic!

Again, the regular media is feeding you a whitewash of Olympics and stories about Nicole Kidman's new baby and other trash stories. This is the lead story on Yahoo (that's not about the Olympics) :

"Matthew McConaughey says he has kept the placenta from the July birth of his son and plans to plant it in an orchard, in keeping with what he says is an Australian Aboriginal tradition."

Can you believe that? The world is heading for WWIII and it's not even registering on the radar. Do you think it's because it's not newsworthy? Obviously not. I would have thought that covering Armageddon would be a journalist's career highlight. The only thing to conclude is that they don't want you to know. Do you think it's a coincidence that the Russia/Georgia conflict started during the Olympics opening ceremony? They didn't want anyone to notice. Perhaps they just don't want to upset the ratings for two weeks during the Games. Once that's over they might start coverage of more important matters. I heard sport being described the other day as "soap opera for men". How true. Keep them distracted with trivia, gossip and make them feel inadequate. Feed them with pornography and social networking sites and they won't even look up.

Again, I ask you, will you support this next war? Do you know who the real enemy is? You cannot pass off your responsibility by being deliberately or unknowingly uninformed.

We need to pray urgently for this situation. Only a force of divine power can stop the war machine that has been set in motion.

Peace be with you.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Russia & Georgia at War

How many of you knew that whilst the Russian & Georgian teams were parading around the Olympic track last night that their countries were at war with eachother. It is hardly getting a mention on Ninemsn. Get a more in depth report at and find out how the US/CIA is deeply involved.

Friday, August 8, 2008

David Ray Griffin on 911

David Ray Griffin is one of the leading proponents disputing the official story of 911. He has written several books on the subject, The New Pearl Harbor, Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action & The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions. His work is heavily referenced by other writers on the topic. He holds the position of Professor Emeritus at Claremont School of Theology and has taken up the 911 issue as his mission in life. He is confronting the Bush administration head on. At the end of one of his lectures, Griffin was asked why a theologian would take such an interest in 9/11, to which he replied: "If 9/11 is not a religious issue, then I don't know what is."[
Why worry about all this? The next phase in the “war on terror” will probably be against Iran and is likely to start before the Bush administration leave office and before Obama gets in the Oval Office end of this year. Australia supported George W Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq. Our support will be expected yet again. Will you tacitly support our country’s involvement this time around? For my part, I quote the famous Who song, “Won’t get fooled again”.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7)

We have all seen the horrific images and video of 911. For weeks after the attack, it was the only show on TV. We watched the two towers implode into a pyroclastic cloud of deadly dust over and over again. It has imprinted the global psyche like no other single event.

So how many of you are aware of Building 7? WTC 7? What was that?

On 911, not 2, but 3 buildings suddenly collapsed neatly into their own footprints. WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7.

It was about 47 storeys tall, so it was big by Sydney standards. WTC 7 was not hit by plane. Small fires, supposedly caused by falling debris from the towers, burned randomly through the structure for 7 hours. It then suddenly collapsed symmetrically and neatly into its its footprint at 5:30pm. This is totally inexplicable. I am an architect and I know enough about building failures to know that burning buildings just don't behave like this. Watch this video:

What does it look like then? Yes, it looks just like a highly controlled demolition. Huh?! How could that be? That would mean that there was planning and preparation. By whom?

There is much conjecture about the offIcial 911 story. Were the towers demolished as well? Did an airliner really hit the Pentagon or a missile instead? Were the airforce incompetant or incapacitated in failing to get just one intercepter into the air in time? But with regard to WTC7, there is no explanation. It gets hidden. The Official 911 report gave it one paragraph at the back of the document. You have never seen the footage of WTC 7 because it was never allowed to be broadcast. You can see why now.

Other WTC 7 anomalies:
  • It housed the CIA, FBI and other govt agencies.
  • The building had recently had millions spent on it reinforcing it to be a military grade command bunker for the Mayor during a disaster.
  • Many federal agents were told to report in sick on 911.
Ask yourself this, if I was playing Jenga, what would I have to do to make the blocks fall like WTC 7?

I leave you now to consider the consequences of all this.

Welcome to my world.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Organ Harvesting in China

This one is short and to the point. In China, practicing Falun Gong automatically qualifies you for their organ transplant a live donor. No waiting lists for recipients, suitable donors are available on order. I don't know a thing about Falun Gong or what they believe, but no one, not even a criminal deserves this. What if it was happening to Christians instead? These guys make Dr Mengele look like the family GP. Where's all the righteous indignation from western governments?
Organ Harvesting in China

Please watch this 6 min video and keep it in the back of your mind whilst you are being dazzled with eye-candy and Oi Oi Oi jingoism over the next two weeks.

911 Truth

Where were you on 911? I was at home on my computer in the study. It was late. The family had gone to sleep. Must have been about 11:00pm. The TV was on in the family room next door. There was sudden news flash activity interrupting the regular program. I watch in horror as the second plane hit the 2nd tower. I then saw reports coming in that the Pentagon had been hit. I then remember watching two CNN reporters talking about the attacks with the twin towers still standing behind them, billowing with smoke. As they spoke to camera, they were unaware of what was happening behind them. I said to myself...OMG, the tower is collapsing! The biggest news story in history and they are missing it! Myself, along with about 4 billion other people on this planet realised in an instant that the world had taken on a new dimension, or had entered another phase. I started to consider the consequences of this. I thought, whoever is responsible for this, they have awoken a sleeping giant and the US will retaliate with almighty force. I would not like to be on the receiving end of their response.

For years I accepted the official line on 911. 19 muslims with boxcutters hijack 4 planes and fly them into buildings, blame al Qaeda, US pursue war on terrorism etc. I supported G W Bush and John Howard going into Afghanistan, then onto Iraq. How wrong I was. My research has lead me to conclude, without a reasonable doubt, that the Bush administration was complicit in the events of 911. Woah!! Wacko conspiracy theory warning bells ringing! No. I am serious. Deadly serious. The official story just does not add up.

Whilst in church a couple of weeks ago I had this picture of the twins towers falling, but as they fell, a huge sword from heaven was planted vertically in the pile of rubble, replacing the vacated silhouette of the towers. I interpreted this as a sword of Truth. I then imagined thousands of people approaching the large sword, each person brandishing their own sword. From all this I am being drawn to believe that 911 might be a blessing in disguise. Because from this one dastardly act, many are beginning to awaken from a spell of deception that has enveloped the world for generations. Simply awakening equips you with the sword of truth and the Truth sets you free.

I could go into enormous detail about the overwhelming evidence to support all this. However, others have done so far more eloquently and with pictures. Go to the following sites and see for yourself. Most of this is on Youtube and Google video. This will hit your worldview for six. This will change the way you watch TV or read a newspaper. You will get a better appreciation for what qualifies as "evil".
Barry Zwicker "The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw"
"Loose Change-Final Cut"

Please post comments about anything I've said, or anything you see. Let's talk about it, debate it, whatever, you will have many questions.

Bless ya

Opening salvo

Welcome to my new site. There is much to get out in a short time. I shared recently at church about what was on my heart. I deliberately left it a bit cryptic, because what I have to share is controversial. Be warned, if you continue on, your world view will be challenged. The reality you have had fed to you through your eyes and ears has been carefully filtered and controlled by the mainstream media. You only see what they want you to see. The internet, on the other hand, is still largely untamed, just like the wild west. What a great tool for democracy. But a time is coming when the net will be controlled in the west just like it is now in China. There is a limited window of opportunity to gather information.

The Lord has been preparing me for this mission over the last 12 months. I have found it is easy to experience horror, anger and despair to name a few. I have also discovered that truth can cut through evil like a hot knife through butter. It is now time to light the foxtails and set them loose.

"I tell you friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear. Fear him who, after the killing of the body has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet, not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows." Mt 12:4-7

I direct you to Alex Jones and his web site:

Alex Jones is a very brave Christian man who is waking up the world. He can be over the top. I don't agree with everything he says, but he documents his claims thoroughly. If half of what he presents is true, that's more than enough to freak you out.

This is a great place to start your journey. Get informed. Find out what's happening to your world. The US is the place to watch at the moment. There is a serious meltdown happening there. Their economy, the US$, Constitutional rights and democratic freedoms are being systematically destroyed as part of a much bigger agenda. If the US goes down, what does that mean for Australia and the world? A world depression will ensue that will make the 30's look like a picnic. Fuel & food in short supply. What will that mean for you and your family here in Sydney? I'll leave you with that to chew on.