A few weeks ago a gentleman from Creation Ministries visited our church and gave a presentation on the creation vs evolution topic. One of the products of an evolutionary viewpoint is Eugenics and Social Darwinism.
Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention. Throughout history, eugenics has been regarded by its various advocates as a social responsibility, an altruistic stance of a society, meant to create healthier, stronger and/or more intelligent people, to save resources, and lessen human suffering.
Social Darwinism is a theory that competition among all individuals, groups, nations or ideas drives social evolution in human societies. The term draws upon the common use of the term Darwinism to refer to various evolutionary ideas and ideas of "survival of the fittest.
In other words, if one adopts atheistic evolution as a belief system, it follows that the process can be helped along by human intervention to spur on the evolution of the human species. Only the rich, strong, healthy, intelligent white population are fit to survive. The poor, weak, infirm, feeble minded non-white should go to the genetic scrapheap. If you’re Adolf Hitler, add Jews to the recipe. Hitler was no innovator either. He simply adopted ideas that were already in process in the early 20th century. Since the demise of Nazism there has been no shortage of like-minded people willing to carry on the eugenics agenda. It can manifest as “in your face” genocide, or be more covert as contaminated tetanus shots given to poor African women to make them sterile. “Just as well I’m white and middle class and living an Australia”….don’t be so naive. The elite of the world have an agenda to bring about a “New World Order” or a “world government”. To achieve this, significant depopulation of the planet is necessary using eugenics as one of many a tools available. You are caught in the web already.
The following video “Endgame” by Alex Jones exposes eugenics and the new world order agenda. It’s long, but it has to lay a foundation of history to make a convincing case. If this is really true, we need to think how this is going to affect Australia, our families and our faith. What is an appropriate Christian response? What would Jesus do? Is this the Apocalypse of Revelation? Should we then just let it happen unopposed because it’s inevitable? Am I just being paranoid? See the video and decide for yourself.
2hr 19min
1 of 14 10min segments