Ok, I can accept that some world leaders can be irresponsible, reckless, capricious, stupid or just self-serving. I can even accept that occasionally they can be downright evil and dangerous, Adolf Hitler being our perennial favorite in this particular category. However, if you were to tell me that our world political, military and corporate leaders meet regularly to participate in pagan rituals wearing robes and burning human effigies before a towering stone owl, I would ask you to pull the other one.
Bohemian Grove is located deep in a Californian redwood forest and annually attracts the elite of the world where they network, hatch deals and participate in the bizarre rituals. Bush snr & jnr, Nixon & Reagan are some of the presidents who have attended Bohemian Grove.
Alex Jones infiltrated the Grove and managed to video the “Cremation of Care” ritual. The following video is a condensed edit of Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove. As you watch this, remember that these are the men who occupy the high places of this planet and plot the destiny of mankind. It should make you shudder.
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