Where were you on 911? I was at home on my computer in the study. It was late. The family had gone to sleep. Must have been about 11:00pm. The TV was on in the family room next door. There was sudden news flash activity
interrupting the regular program. I watch in horror as the second plane hit the 2
nd tower. I then saw reports coming in that the Pentagon had been hit. I then remember watching two CNN reporters talking about the attacks with the twin towers still standing behind them, billowing with smoke. As they spoke to camera, they were unaware of what was happening behind them. I said to myself...
OMG, the tower is collapsing! The biggest
news story in history and they are missing it! Myself, along with about 4 billion other people on this planet realised in an instant that the world had taken on a new dimension, or had entered another phase. I started to consider the consequences of this. I thought, whoever is responsible for this, they have awoken a sleeping giant and the US will retaliate with almighty force. I would not like to be on the receiving end of their
For years I accepted the official line on 911. 19
muslims with
boxcutters hijack 4 planes and fly them into buildings, blame
al Qaeda, US pursue war on terrorism etc. I supported G W Bush and John Howard going into
Afghanistan, then onto Iraq. How wrong I was. My research has lead me to conclude, without a reasonable doubt, that the Bush administration was complicit in the events of 911.
Woah!! Wacko conspiracy theory warning bells ringing! No. I am serious. Deadly serious. The official story just does not add up.

Whilst in church a couple of weeks ago I had this picture of the twins towers falling, but as they fell, a
huge sword from heaven was planted vertically in the pile of rubble, replacing the vacated
silhouette of the towers. I interpreted this as a sword of Truth. I then imagined thousands of people approaching the large sword, each person brandishing their own sword. From all this I am being drawn to believe that 911 might be a blessing in disguise. Because from this one
dastardly act, many are beginning to awaken from a spell of deception that has enveloped the world for generations. Simply awakening equips you with the sword of truth and the Truth sets you free.
I could go into enormous detail about the overwhelming evidence to support all this. However, others have done so far more eloquently and with pictures. Go to the following sites and see for yourself. Most of this is on
Youtube and Google video. This will hit your worldview for six. This will change the way you watch TV or read a newspaper. You will get a better appreciation for what qualifies as "evil".
Zwicker "The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk7htWPF874"Loose Change-Final Cut"
Please post comments about anything I've said, or anything you see. Let's talk about it, debate it, whatever, you will have many questions.
Bless ya
Oh well mate... there goes your chance at getting a british visa...
I too was at the computer typing my Uni thesis and then remember sitting mesmerised in front of the tv for about 4 hours.
I tuned in as a reporter was talking to camera whilst in the background the second plane hit... just crazy.
I like the interpretation of your vision.
I'll watch the vids at home tonight.
WOW, very sad to see the state of affairs our world is in. Thank God we have Him
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