The innauguration of Obama was certainly a spectacle. There is no doubt that the problems facing the US are enormous. Is it no surprise that the new president has been welcomed, not just as a new leader, but as a saviour. Given the immensity of the economic shockwave coming our way, is there anything he could do to stop it? No. By all the reports of independant commentators, such as Gerald Celente, changing president now is like changing the captain of the Titanic after hitting the iceberg. We have seen what has happened in Iceland. As their tiny country and its modest economy have collapsed, people have responded by taking their frustration to the streets and rioting. Iceland has a population of 300,000. That's about the size of Canberra. Now, imagine multiplying that by 1000 to 300 million. Then imagine that population being doubly angry and frustrated because of the added severity of the coming crisis on US soil. Got that. Now, give them all guns. Many Americans have been stockpiling guns, ammo, food and emergency provisions, having seen this coming from a long way back.
The US government is not stupid. They have been preparing for this day also. Detention centres have been established all around the US under the banner of FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency. One of the first acts of the Obama government is the passing of the National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645 to authorise their use for humanitarian disaster response on one hand or "(4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security." That means detention.
read New Legislation Authorizes FEMA Camps In U.S.
see Alex Jones video - FEMA Camps 5 mins
FEMA Trains & Camps video 7 mins
In response to the wide public ownership of guns, legislation is currently being passed to limit, ban and confiscate arms. This process was practised in New Orleans during the Katrina emergency. Black*water personnel were allegedly observed assisting the National Guard and Police confiscating guns from civilians. (Black*water are a privately owned mercenary army that works for the US government both domestically and abroad ie.Iraq)
Article: FEMA Pastors & New Orleans gun confiscation
Things are moving at an unprecedented pace. Stay tuned. Pray for pastors in the US that they listen to the will of God first, then the will of earthly authorities, only if it is in accord with the will of God. For those who decide to stand in the face of tyranny, may He grant them courage & conviction.