Could it be that Aussies aren't as asleep as we thought. Today, we got the great news that the Emissions Trading Scheme got voted down in the Senate. This means that Mr Rudd will not be in a position to sign the Copenhagen Treaty next week. This is a big blow to the global warming scam and the new world order taxation system. Who would have thought that on this issue the pollies would actually use their moral consciences and their individual thought processes to make an independent decision for the good of the country. Mind you, they had to throw the Liberal opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull overboard first to get the eventual consensus. This would demonstrate to me that although there is a false left/right paradigm operating most of the time to serve the general interests of the elites, this time, it didn't work.
Come on world, there are some vestiges of democracy still alive out there. Make your voice heard now. Call on your representative to send a message that the people are awakening to the ETS scam and we don't want it. There is only a weeks time left till Copenhagen!
We don't want our energy bills to skyrocket at the behest of some carbon credit baron schiester. We don't want to see aussie dollars syphoned off to the third world, not because we are selfish but we don't believe that elites selling carbon indulgences can be trusted any more than the Papal scammers of the middle ages. We want to see a fair equalising of rich & poor nations, but Jesus had a simpler solution to that, demonstrate love by giving to the poor. We don't want to see our democracies destroyed and wake up in a neo communist totalitarian nightmare.
If you haven't heard of Lord Monckton, well he's at the pointy end of the pin that's popping the climate warming bubble. He even got a proper airing on mainstream radio in Australia. Alan Jones interviewed Monckton recently (If you usually can't stand Alan Jones, he's not obnoxious in this interview).
Listen to the full address he made in Minnesota recently. If you like science, graphs and equations, this is for you. Even if you aren't that nerdy, his presentation is entertaining, passionate and compelling.
From his comments he's also a Christian, so praise God for raising up this man with these unique skills at this time in history to give the climate change demon a good thump on the head. Here is a great example of the Kingdom making a frontal assault on the mountain of government.
Unfortunately, many Australians are blissfully unaware of ETS or Copenhagen. Consequently, few will have any appreciation for what it means that the ETS Bill failed in the Senate, that at least for a moment, we have stepped back from the precipice and we now have time to think this through. Meanwhile, the US and other nations are still heading to Copenhagen. Unless their peoples demand their governments not to sign, the free world still faces a dire threat to their democracies.
Don't get me wrong. Wasting energy is wrong and we are polluting this magnificant planet. If we really must create disincentives for energy consumption, why not have our own government collect the tax and then channel that back into alternative energy research in Australia, or save the money for 10 years whilst we work out what's really going on with the climate. Give us our money back when we finally agree that global warming is rubbish. That way, we at least don't lose our money to the greatest of all Nigerian scams.