If your next door neighbour spent more than half his income on erecting fences, installing burglar alarms and buying guns, and what’s left over on the essentials like health, education, vehicle and food, you would conclude that the neighbour was either mentally unstable or irresponsible. Yet this is a picture of the current US budget (ignoring the bankster bailout for the moment)
The current budget for 2009 military spending is $1.4 trillion ($1449 billion). Such figures are hard for us to comprehend. Even harder to comprehend is that whilst the financial crisis was beginning to erupt a couple of months ago, increased military budget requests were being submitted to Congress. That’s like our neighbour buying a new Abrams tank for his driveway whilst facing foreclosure notices from the bank because of mortgage default. This situation is clearly unsustainable and irreparable because it is based on insanity. Even China and Russia's spending combined doesn't come anywhere near what the US is spending.
Today we are witnessing the collapse of the US as a result. No amount of "bailout" or "stimulus" packages can revive this burst balloon. Unfortunately as the US goes down it shall drag the rest of the world down in its wake. Until you see a change in policy regarding spending on war, there is no hope.
Eisenhower warned us about the "military-industrial complex".
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
He found out during his presidency how this section of industry was developing within the US into a monster with an insatiable appetite. He experienced first hand the political influence that is generated by industry that has at its base a need for perpetual war or fear of war to justify its own existence. Isn't it in their interest to have a world at war to generate customers and sales? Every war is a sales opportunity. Where there is peace, starting a war by some false flag event becomes a marketing exercise. The "war on terror" is the perfect sales generator, a war without end with an enemy that cannot be identified. The banks lend the credit for this crazy spending and get the interest. They will even lend to both sides of the conflict! What kind of people can rejoice in the human misery of war because it's good for business?
Could the collapse of America be a blessing in disguise for the world?
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