Friends, you would have seen in the news over the last few days that Australia and the state of Victoria in particular, has experienced the worst bush fire destruction in our nations history. It rates as our worst natural disaster. The current death toll has reached 180, with 750 homes lost. Whole townships have been wiped from the map. The destruction is not unlike that of a nuclear conflagration.
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On the day of the fires the ambient temperatures in Victoria reached into the mid 40's. The mercury at our place in Sydney got to 44. Opening the door from our air-conditioned home onto the back deck was like opening a door to a foundry. We similarly live on the edge of the bush. We have had our home under threat from fire in the past. We have gotten to the point of loading the car with our most treasured possessions, ready at a moments notice to leave. This is the price we pay for the privilege of living amongst the beauty of the Aussie bush.
At times like that you really have to focus on what really matters to you in life. You pack the family, pets, photo albums, insurance documents and portable backup hard drives. All the other stuff you really could replace if you had to. It's a sobering experience.
Our thoughts and prayers are with our brothers and sisters in Victoria at this time.
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