Why do people find evil so fascinating? Why are there endless books written about Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust? What about the interest we have in the world’s most notorious murderers? Well, who wants to read a book about the greatest charity workers of history? We long to pry into the minds of those that we would consider to occupy the opposite end of the good vs evil spectrum from where we believe we’re at. Is it perhaps the case that, we secretly live out our hidden evil fantasies vicariously through these nasty creatures? Whilst publicly declaring our abhorrence of evil, maybe the Jeffrey Dharmas of this world are only putting into reality those thoughts and ideas we have entertained but never had the courage to admit?
This leads me to the next video. This is one of the most fascinating interviews I have ever watched. Bob Larson is well known around the Christian traps for his expertise in cults. He is interviewing two members from the First Family of Satan, a Satanic church in California. The interview is from 1989, but the discussion is not dated. The two members are Zeena LaVey and Nikolas Schreck. If you are at all familiar with this subject you would recognise the name LaVey. Zeena is the daughter of Anton LaVey, who was the self appointed high priest of the “Church of Satan”. The Eagles song “Hotel California” is supposedly written about the
satanic church and Anton is the guy staring down from the balcony on the front cover of the album. One of Anton’s “parishioners” was the notorious mass murderer Charles Manson. Schreck is a musician and at the time was the founder of the Werewolf Order, whatever that is.
This leads me to the next video. This is one of the most fascinating interviews I have ever watched. Bob Larson is well known around the Christian traps for his expertise in cults. He is interviewing two members from the First Family of Satan, a Satanic church in California. The interview is from 1989, but the discussion is not dated. The two members are Zeena LaVey and Nikolas Schreck. If you are at all familiar with this subject you would recognise the name LaVey. Zeena is the daughter of Anton LaVey, who was the self appointed high priest of the “Church of Satan”. The Eagles song “Hotel California” is supposedly written about the

(look for links to following parts yourself)
During this video interview, I make these following observations. Firstly, they are not happy people. I wouldn’t invite them to dinner, they would kill the tone of the evening. They don’t smile, they don’t crack jokes. One commentator described Schreck's persona as a poor immitation of John Malkovich. It’s not a great endorsement of their faith (mind you, how many Christians come over as undertakers). They are serious people and their business is serious. They are not openly into doing evil deeds, but rather, they question any authority beyond themselves to determine what is right or wrong. Killing is simply the practise of survival of the fittest. If I can kill you, that only proves that you are weaker and therefore less fit to survive. They don’t believe in compassion or caring for the weak. That’s a job for the pathetic Christians. To their credit, they are painfully honest about themselves and their beliefs. These people are not nut-cases. They are well spoken and highly intelligent. They are also rightly critical of Christians for their hypocrisy in so many areas. They rightly identify the dubious witness of high profile tele-evangelists, for example. It’s interesting also how they take Larson & Christians to task over having such a preoccupation with Hitler and the Holocaust. Would this be an easy way for Christians to lessen their own perceived contribution to evil in the world by identifying that guy over there that is so bad that he make me look good by comparison?
What struck me the most was their admission that they weren’t that interested in seducing the youth or death metal heads, or the greater population, but rather, the elite. They believe that they can have the greatest influence on the world by inducting the leaders of politics and industry. This would explain such events like Bohemian Grove where the captains of industry, military and politics gather in the Grove annually and celebrate the “Cremation of Care” ritual, which to all intents looks like a satanic ritual performed at the feet of a huge stone owl totem. Several US presidents have attended the “Grove” including Reagan, Nixon and the Bushes. GW Bush and John Kerry were also members of “Skull & Bones”, a secret society at Yale University that also practises similar dodgy initiation rituals involving coffins & skulls. Membership to “Skull & Bones” is by invitation only. One has to be “tapped” by an existing “Bonesman”. No doubt Skull & Bones and the Bohemian Club were just two of the “secret societies” that JFK had in mind when he warned us about before he met his demise.
This leads me to the whole evolution vs creationism debate. Whether or not you believe the world popped or evolved, one conclusion is unmistakable. The adoption of the “survival of the fittest” mantra of evolutionists can only have devastating consequences for mankind. It is the antithesis of the Christian message of love and compassion. You cannot apply “survival of the fittest” and care for your aged grandmother at same time. If your grandmother is creating a drain on the family, well, she’s not fit to survive. She’s got to go. Schreck & LaVey are chilling in their lack of compassion for the “unfit”. Won’t we all become “unfit” at some stage of our lives? A brief examination of the worst exterminating regimes of the last century will reveal at their core a belief system that adopted the eugenicist “survival of the fittest” mentality. Lenin, Stalin, Mao & Hitler all went to the same biology class at school. (Mao was apparently a Bonesman too, what a small world!). So next time you’re arguing evolution vs creation, just be aware that the debate goes beyond the academic and into the realms of rationalizing hell on earth.
So what's the point of all this. Although we can dismiss the satanists as weird and evil, their values and eugenics agenda is being advanced at the highest levels of our society now. Do not make the false assumption that events like the Holocaust can't happen again. And do not assume that it can't happen to you or your family, even in Australia.
What interests me in the video is not so much Zenna LaVey and Nicholas Shreck's coldness and lack of joy as it was Bob Larson's treatment of them, Usually if you listened to his radio show " Talk Back with Bob Larson", Larson is an abrasive, sometimes crudely insulting "Christian" talk show host. I have this tape and the tape he did in his studio with a male to female transsexual who was also a Christian. The first question Larson asked her was very crude and vulgar and often during the " interview" Larson was shouting and yelling in outrage.
Contrast that with this tape where Larson is quiet and polite. What you may not know is during the era this tape was made, Larson was doing his self-selling act of being an "expert" on the occult and " satanism". His behavior in the tape was more to be in the graces of LaVey and Shreck for further opportunistic " interviews" rather than any attempt to actually inform his viewers about Satanism.
And no I am no Satanist. I'm a Pagan. And my own view of Bob Larson is certainly not complimentary of him at all.
Larson did his hyped " Satanism Symposium", the details of which by various observers are online including Kerr Cuhulain.
Larson also for awhile had some contact with Boyd Rice, an apparently intelligent member of the Church of Satan who told of a dinner visit at his home with Larson and Larson's pal at the time Bob Gucchione Jr. The account, including the fortunately unloaded gun " mistaken" for a cigarette lighter, is also online.
The behavior Bob Larson exhibits on the tape is not what Larson usually did during that era. Currently Larson is billing himself as the " real exorcist" whose " exorcisms" are highly questionable. The Paranormal Preacher on YouTube has interviews with two of Larson's victims about the so-called exorcisms.
Judging from the way Larson behaved over the yeas,I highly question whether or not he is in fact a Christian. His selfishness does correspond with what LaVey and Schreck displayed.
dear forevernitefan
Thanks you for your considered post. Yes, there is no shortage of Christians or claimed Christians behaving rudely, being crass and the like. I agree with you, some of his manner makes you squirm. There is no excuse for it. Likewise, I respect LaVey & Schreck for their candidness and honesty. However, I don't want to divert from my point. As you would probably know already, Satanism and other occult beliefs are pursued at the highest levels of our society. The LeVeys of this world are seeking to influence the head of the Hydra and it filters from there on down until it touches us all by war, vaccines, fluoride, economic terrorism and media mind control to name a few. Look at the whole Bohemian Grove event. Look at the attendee list. What is the whole "Cremation of Care" ritual about? It's about destroying your conscience so you can join in on this whole pathological joyride for the elite and not give a damn about the mayhem and misery they create for rest of mankind.
Pagan or Christian, I hope we can share a unified distain and resistance for the New World Order. I know you don't believe it, but bless you.
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