The good news is that the NWO has practically wrung all it could from the “war on terror”. It's been a while since white people have been blown to pieces. (The daily carnage in Iraq continues but the media isn't interested in that) People have acquiesced to the fear-mongering. We are not as malleable as we were in those years directly after the shock treatment of 9/11. People are getting better informed and the “Truth Movement” is really gaining momentum world wide. A much larger proportion of the population have educated themselves to understand what's been going on and as a result, we can also get a much better idea of what to expect. However, the bad news is, because the fear meter is starting to wane and because of the cynicism and suspicion that surrounds old fashioned synthetic terrorism, a new threat needs to be generated.

So why the hype, especially in the US? The World Health Organisation (WHO) is at level 6 pandemic alert. It doesn't get any worse than this. It means that martial law can be enforced to control populations and even force mandatory vaccination and quarantine. The preparations for such programs are under way now in the US. The fear is that this bug could mutate into something like the 1918 Spanish flu which killed more people than bombs and bullets did in WW1. However, here are some points to consider:
The origins and genetic signatures of the swine flu are odd. It contains elements of bird, swine and the Spanish flu. This could only have been created in a lab.
Vaccine production is great business for multinational drug companies. This is money for jam. Pestilence = Profit.
The vaccines are supposedly being fast tracked without time being available for the usual testing procedures. If swine flu has been manufactured, then they know exactly what the vaccine will do because that would have been generated a long time ago alongside the disease.
The drug companies have been granted immunity from prosecution if these vaccines should have undesired side-effects like killing or maiming people.
The shots will contain mercury. This is the preservative agent in many vaccines that has been identified as the culprit in the MMR shot responsible for the Autism epidemic.
Polls in the UK show that a large proportion of doctors and nurses will not take the shot themselves over concern for its safety and necessity. Guardian report
Russia Today report
Alex Jones interviews Dr Mayer Eisenstein
ABC News - Swine Flu Vaccine Strategy "Risky"
So what do you do? Firstly, get informed. Do not rely on edicts from government health officials. These people are often no better informed or have been fed limited or misleading information which serves vested interests. Read reports and opinions from a variety of international sources. Decide now what your response will be for you and your family. If a mandatory vaccination program is initiated it is likely to happen quickly and you won't have time to think clearly. The world's governments are varied in their responses. Here's a European viewpoint. Find out what their stated policies are for where you live. US residents are probably most at risk of imposition of martial law and forced vaccination.Wherever you are reading this, I pray that God may keep and preserve you and your loved ones and give you wisdom and strength to endure.
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