The 10th anniversary of September 11th came....and went. There was a lot of ceremony, emotion and empathy...but where were the Truthers? I was expecting to see a tsunami of black & sloganed T-shirts and banners. They could have been respectful and kept silent vigil, but they weren't even there...nowhere to be seen. Have they all given up in frustration, or just become apathetic and weary? I scanned the channels and web but nothing seemed to be happening. I though at least Alex Jones would do a live radio report. What happened?
Turns out NY was in lockdown for blocks around Ground Zero. Noone could get within blocks of the site. Police were brandishing M16s and shotguns. Those wearing "Investigate 9/11" shirts were not provided access and some were even detained for their attire. One man who opened his mouth to exercise his freedom of speech was arrested.
Turns out NY was in lockdown for blocks around Ground Zero. Noone could get within blocks of the site. Police were brandishing M16s and shotguns. Those wearing "Investigate 9/11" shirts were not provided access and some were even detained for their attire. One man who opened his mouth to exercise his freedom of speech was arrested.
George W said "They hate our freedoms" If this is "freedom", I would have to agree with Al Qaeda.
Here is Luke Rudkowski's report from the day's proceedings:
Here is Luke Rudkowski's report from the day's proceedings:
One thing I was surprised to see on mainstream TV was a documentary about the 9/11 firefighters that aired on SBS. They actually showed footage of Building 7 coming down but there were no remarks made about it. They certainly featured the health problems of first responders due to the toxic asbestos laden dust and Whitman's assurance that the air was safe to breathe. Guess that's something.
Comments from Richard Gage & Luke Rudkowski-where to from here?:
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