What goes on inside the mind of one of the richest men on the planet? In the following interview with Aaron Russo, he talks about his friendship with Nick Rockefeller (son of David Rockefeller)and recounts some of the salient remarks Nick made over the course of many discussions. Aaron was a famous Hollywood film producer who has to his credit "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy and Freedom to Fascism". He also ran for governor of Nevada. Sadly, he died of cancer recently.
This video explores the truth about 9/11, the subsequent "war on terror"and the agenda to have all persons tagged with an RFID chip just like we tag our pet dog. One of the most revealing comments is regarding the women's lib movement. The Rockefeller foundation were instrumental in sponsoring the movement in the 60's & 70's. Nick says were idiots if we think that was about equal rights and pay for women! The real reason was to double the tax base by bringing women into the work force and greater mind moulding of children as they could be introduced into the education system at an earlier age. The state becomes the parent figure and the biological parents are sidelined. It's all about control by the state and the demise of the family. Then he asks Russo "What do you care about those people? They don't mean anything to you". That scares me more than everything else. That lack of empathy is the trademark of a psychopath much like Hitler.
These are the same people who are engineering the current financial crisis to bring about the establishment of the New World Order run by the bankers. The crisis is not over. Not by a long shot. The Titanic has only just hit the iceberg.
10 mins
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