Now that the US has a new president, we should just stand back a bit from all the hoop-lah and get some perspective. If nothing else has been achieved, it has been stirring to see a black American in the White House. In a strange way it cleanses the soul. Up until now, it would be usual to expect the guy shining your shoes to be black. Obama changes all that, forever, and praise God. His victory speech was beautifully crafted. The sight of black americans weeping for joy conveys an emotional response that, if you're not black, well, you will never fully appreciate.
That said, let's examine things in the cold light of day. For a lot of people, the ridding of the White House of G W Bush and Dick Cheney is enough in itself. However, will Obama bring change, real change? From where I sit, I can see nothing in his policy announcements to this point that gives me anything to be encouraged about. I don't think there are any assurances that the Iraq or Afganistan wars will be wound up in the near future. It is more likely the deployments will be shifted to new theatres, not the least being Iran, Pakistan or even to US home territory as the economic crisis hits its crescendo and civil order breaks down. Problem is, the presidency is a shopfront. The real movers and shakers are in the office at the back of the shop, calling the shots from the shadows. Some commentators have described it like this, George W Bush has set the table, Obama is coming to dine. This is a process of change that has taken generations and it is finally coming to fruition. Why else would the Bush administration work so hard to dismantle the Constitution over the last 8 years, create the Patriot Act and not take full advantage of the dictatorial powers now at their disposal, only to hand them on a plate to Obama who's a Democrat? Why is someone like Zbigniew Brzezinski one of Obama's chief foreign relations advisors? That guy is scary. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. All these organisations have agendas for the new world order, or global government. Vice President Joe Biden also talks loudly about the need for a new world order.
If Obama is fair dinkum, this is what he would do. He would reopen the investigation into 9/11, put Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld on trial for treason and find them guilty. He would recognize the war on terror to be the fraud that it is and withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. He would wind back the obscene spending on armaments and put the cash back into the ailing economy and feeding the poor instead. He would pull existing alternative energy solutions off the black project shelf and give them to the people and tell the oil industry to go jump. He would stop the growing monopoly of world food production by companies such as Monsanto by copyrighting our God-given seed through genetic modification. He would tell the elites like Rockefellers and Rothschilds of this world to go back to the end of the line and wait their turn.
People are hailing Obama as the Messiah. Well, if he is the Messiah, he would do all of the above and more. I, for one, won't be holding my breath.
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