Who is Barry Soetoro? This is Barrack H Obama’s real name, as recorded in the school roll book in Indonesia where he spent the early years of his youth. What you see is not what your get.
Similarly, the Health Bill that he has passed through the legislature contains more than meets the eye. Rather than a bill, it’s a raft of bills, and in amongst it all is a Mickey Finn.
This is the establishing of a Ready Reserve Corps. Now, we knew about the Obama youth corps that he promised during the election. Comparisons were immediately drawn with the brown shirted Hitler Youth movement. What is of great concern is the formation of a similar reserve corps within the health services. This is, in effect, a presidential private army under his direct control. It is, of course, couched in terms of responding effectively to natural disasters, emergencies and the like. However, it could be used to bypass the moral filter of the public doctors and nurses who might not agree that mandatory mass vaccination programs are a good thing. They might also question the enforced quarantine of people with specific diseases like swine flu. A private army can ensure that unpopular policy is executed despite general resistance.
If this measure is so important it could easily be achieved by equipping the existing private system without the need for a special corp swearing allegiance to the President. On the other hand, who was aware of these provisions within the bill? If the public were informed, would they have approved of such provisions? Why the need to slip this in under the radar?
There will likely be provisions for a national health ID card. No doubt this will be used to make the whole new system work efficiently, but it could also be used to enable the switching off your entitlement to services, effectively declaring you a non-person. This is a big noose around the collective necks of the American people, but I guess it’s no worse than the Medicare card in Australia.
Section 203 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 204) is amended to read as follows:
(1) IN GENERAL.—There shall be in the Service a commissioned Regular Corps and a Ready Reserve Corps for service in time of national emergency.
(2) REQUIREMENT.—All commissioned officers shall be citizens of the United States and shall be appointed without regard to the civil-service laws and compensated without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended.
(3) APPOINTMENT.—Commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps shall be appointed by the President and commissioned officers of the Regular Corps shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
(4) ACTIVE DUTY.—Commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps shall at all times be subject to call to active duty by the Surgeon General, including active duty for the purpose of training.
(5) WARRANT OFFICERS.—Warrant officers may be appointed to the Service for the purpose of providing support to the health and delivery systems maintained by the Service and any warrant officer appointed to the Service shall be considered for purposes of this Act and title 37, United States Code, to be a commissioned officer within the Commissioned Corps of the Service.
(b) ASSIMILATING RESERVE CORP OFFICERS INTO THE REGULAR CORPS.—Effective on the date of enactment of the Affordable Health Choices Act, all individuals classified as officers in the Reserve Corps under this section (as such section existed on the day before the date of enactment of such Act) and serving on active duty shall be deemed to be commissioned officers of the Regular Corps.
(1) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the Ready Reserve Corps is to fulfill the need to have additional Commissioned Corps personnel available on short notice (similar to the uniformed service’s reserve program) to assist regular Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions.
(2) USES.—The Ready Reserve Corps shall—
(A) participate in routine training to meet the general and specific needs of the Commissioned Corps;
(B) be available and ready for involuntary calls to active duty during national emergencies and public health crises, similar to the uniformed service reserve personnel;
(C) be available for backfilling critical positions left vacant during deployment of active duty Commissioned Corps members, as well as for deployment to respond to public health emergencies, both foreign and domestic; and
(D) be available for service assignment in isolated, hardship, and medically underserved communities (as defined in section 399SS) to improve access to health services.
(d) FUNDING.—For the purpose of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Commissioned Corps under this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to the Office of the Surgeon General for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014. Funds appropriated under this subsection shall be used for recruitment and training of Commissioned Corps Officers.
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