Be prepared to pay up to 64% more for your electricity by 2013. This is what we are being told to accept. Have you understood that? If you pay $1000 per year for your power in 2010, in 3 years time that will be $1640. Why? The real reason is to pay for Kevin Rudd's commitments to the global carbon trading scheme. This is in spite of the failure of Copenhagen to achieve any consensus on how any of this will work. This is despite the recent revelations of "Climategate" that have thrown the scientific evidence for global warming into doubt. So we are being asked to pay all this money to a faceless offshore organisation.
electricity prices to rise by 64%
Australians were some of the first in the international community to acknowledge that there is a debate to be had over the reality of global warming. Malcolm Turnbull essentially lost the leadership of the Liberal party because there are too many party members who doubt global warming. When Lord Monckton came to Australia in January he addressed full houses paying $20 per head all over the country to hear his message about the global warming scam.
electricity prices to rise by 64%
Australians were some of the first in the international community to acknowledge that there is a debate to be had over the reality of global warming. Malcolm Turnbull essentially lost the leadership of the Liberal party because there are too many party members who doubt global warming. When Lord Monckton came to Australia in January he addressed full houses paying $20 per head all over the country to hear his message about the global warming scam.
Note that since the meltdown at Copenhagen the reason being given to justify the price increase in NSW is we have to replace all the power poles because they're dodgy. Really?
So why is there no reaction to the threat of rising electricity prices? The way these things go, people won't notice until they get their next bill showing the first increase of 7% this April. This will no doubt create much distress in the community. Many families are already just making ends meet as it is. This cost increase will tip the balance for many. And for what? A scam, a rip off, a tax on breathing. And who gets the money? Ask Al Gore, he has financial interests in this whole carbon trading scheme.
The time to object is now. Don't wait till the horror invoices start rolling in. That will be too late. Call, write to, email your local member and protest loudly.
So why is there no reaction to the threat of rising electricity prices? The way these things go, people won't notice until they get their next bill showing the first increase of 7% this April. This will no doubt create much distress in the community. Many families are already just making ends meet as it is. This cost increase will tip the balance for many. And for what? A scam, a rip off, a tax on breathing. And who gets the money? Ask Al Gore, he has financial interests in this whole carbon trading scheme.
The time to object is now. Don't wait till the horror invoices start rolling in. That will be too late. Call, write to, email your local member and protest loudly.
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