The SMH TV guide rates "United 93" worthy of the honour "Movie of the Week". How about we be a little more discerning about what get's served up to us as recommended viewing.
According to the official story, on 9/11, flight United 93 crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, killing all on board. Unlike the other 3 fateful flights that morning, the account of the United 93 has achieved legend status. As the hijackers guided their missile towards the White House, several passengers teamed together to rush the cockpit, resulting in the plane nose-diving into the ground. The catch cry "Let's roll" are their last recorded words. This was not just a few people taking the initiative, this was America fighting back against terror. It's the stuff of Hollywood.
This is just one of several movies about Flight 93. The story has also spawned several books written about the individual heroes of Flight 93. And like all good myths the stories become more and more embellished over time. "Let's roll" became a propaganda slogan.

But what really happened to United 93? Here are just a few of the anomalies that remain unexplained.
Most of the script is based on mobile phone calls made by the passengers. However, due to the technology at the time and the altitude at which the calls were made, it's a technological impossibility that the calls could have been made. Phones fail after 8oooft. 93 was cruising at 25000ft. No other mobile calls were recorded from any other hijacked flights that day for that very reason. So what are they basing the script on?
The crater into which the plane supposedly crashed was reported by witnesses to contain no recognizable plane debris. No wings, engines, fuselage, bodies or luggage. This crash site looks nothing like a typical plane crash site.

Debris was found, however, over an 8 square mile radius, indicating that a craft of some sort disintegrated at altitude. Witnesses report debris falling from the sky.
What's more, why wasn't United 93 intercepted by the military? It was the last plane to crash, so there was the greatest response time available to get interceptors up. Perhaps they did, but the shootdown scenario creates a problem. What if the passengers had wrestled back control of the plane, only to be blown out of the sky by a missile? That account would be unthinkable. That wouldn't make very useful propaganda. Better revisit the script.
Hollywood has for years been influenced and coerced by the CIA to produce entertainment with the intent to influence general opinion or worldview to serve the government agenda. It's just another arm of the controlled mainline media.
Like the 9/11 official story, much of the United 93 story is anomalous, unscientific, inexplicable or just bald face lies. One things is for sure, many innocent people lost their lives on 9/11 and the incumbent administration has done nothing to pursue the truth, but has instead deliberately obstructed and manipulated any investigation.
United 93 - Movie of the Week? ...9/11 - Crime of the Century.