We think we have a real choice when we cast our vote at election time. We feel like we have a real power to determine our leadership. That's the point of democracy, isn't it? In fact, we believe democracy is so valuable, it's worth the lives of over a million Iraqis. They will have democracy, even if it kills them.
In our Australian experience over the last twenty years, we have voted mostly Labor or Liberal, but we know in reality that whoever we get, the result is not going to be all that different. It's like Holden or Ford at Mt Panorama.
The same goes for McCain and Obama. You might as well be choosing Macdonalds or KFC. That's really relevant to you if you really enjoy tucking into a Big Mac or a Bucket, but for most of us, it's all a fat fest. It's not a real choice at all. If this is really what's going on, it's then optimistic to think that Obama offers any real hope if he becomes the next president.
This following video from Alex Jones really explains how the whole false left/right paradigm works, using the US system as a model. However, the point is very relevant to us in Australia. I believe the elite who influence our major parties probably don't do so to the same degree as they do in America. Our politicians aren't as directly exposed to the huge military and industrial interests like the US politicians are. But we can certainly see the parallels. It's time for us to become a little less naive about the political charades that are presented to us in the guise of democratic choice.
In our Australian experience over the last twenty years, we have voted mostly Labor or Liberal, but we know in reality that whoever we get, the result is not going to be all that different. It's like Holden or Ford at Mt Panorama.
The same goes for McCain and Obama. You might as well be choosing Macdonalds or KFC. That's really relevant to you if you really enjoy tucking into a Big Mac or a Bucket, but for most of us, it's all a fat fest. It's not a real choice at all. If this is really what's going on, it's then optimistic to think that Obama offers any real hope if he becomes the next president.
This following video from Alex Jones really explains how the whole false left/right paradigm works, using the US system as a model. However, the point is very relevant to us in Australia. I believe the elite who influence our major parties probably don't do so to the same degree as they do in America. Our politicians aren't as directly exposed to the huge military and industrial interests like the US politicians are. But we can certainly see the parallels. It's time for us to become a little less naive about the political charades that are presented to us in the guise of democratic choice.
wow, very special, i like it.
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