Six years ago, on October 12th 2002, Australia experienced what has been described as Australia's 9/11. A massive bomb ripped through a Balinese nightclub in Kuta and 202 innocent people were murdered, including many Aussies.
The event served to draw the average Australian into the "War on Terrorism" personally and helped galvanize Australian support of the US war on Iraq.
If the official 9/11 story is worthy of critical examination, why would the Bali bombing be any different?
This following movie was made recently by a young Australian film-maker. It makes the case that the nature and intensity of the bomb blast could not have been made from farm shed chemicals alone, but must have included military grade explosives in large quantities. The blast was so powerful, concrete was ripped off steel reinforcement and blew out windows kilometres away. A fertilizer bomb simply is not capable of such destruction. How did the bombers obtain such military technology? What did the CIA have to do with it? How was the event used by the government to usher in a swath of anti-terrorism legislation that expands the definition of a terrorist to such a degree that the general public can easily be ensnared without the regular due process of law. Remember Dr Haneef? He was branded a terror suspect because he gave his nephew a sim card.
Is the Howard government complicit? I personally don't think so, but it's likely a case of "Ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies". You make up your own mind. One thing I know, the CIA is a lawless, unaccountable organisation that is capable of the instigating the most appalling violence anywhere in the world to serve the political interests of the American Empire.
The movie is also a good education in the subject of "false flag" operations and how they are used to sway public opinion by instilling the public with fear. People are easily manipulated when they are scared. However, people are not easily manipulated when they are wary of being manipulated. Hence this blog.
Well, even though Australia uses a different date form, the date would make the Bali bombings on 10/12 - could indicate an attempt to indicate through some sick calendric progression
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