You will learn more about economics and finance in the next ten minutes than you will if you go to uni and do a degree. You will say "Aha! That's how they do it! Now I understand why the financial system is collapsing in a heap. I better go change my notes for gold before everyone else gets the same idea!"
Remember, the Bible said "The love of money is the root of all evil" 1Tim 6:10. All the trouble we are seeing at the moment is happening because people love money more than God. Simple as that. That's true for six bucks or six billion. Did you notice that Jesus was never really concerned about the devil? He could easily hit demons for a six with one hand tied. On the other hand, he considered the job of rescuing people from their love of money a much greater challenge. What about the rich young ruler? Mk 10:17-30 Jesus had to let him go because he loved his riches more than his soul.
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