This one is straight from the X Files. The following trailer is for the computer game Tom Clancy's "Ghost Recon". As you watch it you could swear that it's a real life news report released today.
The trailer was released in 2002. Is it just coincidence? Are wars totally predictable if you know how they work...if I mix flour, eggs & milk I usually get pancakes? Or is there an agenda and timeline for these things to occur? And who's thinking years into the future and has the power to manipulate superpower countries around like it was a game of chess? What do they hope to retrieve from the cinders?
And the reference to the "Ghost Recon" units...black Americans are allegedly amongst the dead mercenaries in South Ossetia.
Georgian forces under direction of US "trainers".
The whole thing is like playing "Murder in the Dark". You can't tell who's done what to whom, all you know is that the light's been turned on and there's a body in the middle of the room. Perhaps I should go play Ghost Recon myself. It will probably be closer to the truth than the mainstream news.
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