Thursday, October 2, 2008

Shock Doctrine

According to the Shock Doctrine proposed by Naomi Klein, the economic crisis the world is experiencing at the moment is designed to bring about structural change. Through deliberate crisis or natural disaster, people are more susceptable to change that, in normal circumstance, they would resist. So the question is, what are world governments trying to achieve through the current crisis? If the shock doctrine is correct, governments will take the opportunity to rush through legislation that will serve the elite and disaffect the people. Is it any wonder the Congress rejected the first bailout bill which said, in effect, "Give us all the money, trust us, we will fix the problem for you and by the way, we want to be unaccountable."

Importantly, Klein points out that the best defense against being shocked, is to be well informed about how this tactic works. If you know about Nigerian money scams you are not likely to fall for them when they arrive in the inbox.

Watch these vids, build up your defenses.

The Shock Doctrine - 7 mins

Interview with Keith Olbermann - 7 mins