Monday, June 15, 2009

Why are Americans stoopid?

We Aussies pride ourselves on thinking we're knock about people of reasonable intelligence with a good dose of common sense thrown in. We're not super intelligent, nor do we believe we're stupid. On the other hand, many would believe that Americans are stoopid. Watch "The Chaser" make fun of interviewing average Americans on the street about important subjects. They come over as uneducated and uninformed. Now, don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are Americans. Some of the most astounding science and technological wizardry comes from the good ole US of A.

So what's going wrong? Let's not just point at America. It is customary for Australia to follow America slavishly in all aspects of culture, entertainment and values. Is Australia getting any smarter? Wasn't there a political push to get us to drop the "lucky country" moniker and adopt the "clever country" ethos? Didn't get us very far then did it.

We subject our population to the same media infrastructure as the US. Commercial TV and radio, pay TV, newspapers, mainstream news from ninemsn and the like. We bury our heads in iPods and iPhones and laptops and youtube, facebook, myspace etc etc. Our plasmas get bigger and bigger whilst our powers to question our place in all this becomes less and less.

This is where they want us, passive, controllable and programmable. The last thing they need os for a lot of people suddenly thinking for themselves and questioning waking up from the spell under which they have been cast.

If you believe that 19 arabs were responsible for 9/11, the programming as worked.

If you believe that there is a global war on terror is being waged against a real enemy, the programming has worked.

If you believe that our prime ministers and presidents are really at the top of the pyramid and that they rule for the people and not the agenda of the elite, the programming has worked.

And just because you consider yourself a Christian doesn't immunize you from being turned into a zombie just like the rest. Jesus said on many occaisions, "Be awake" Be alert" "Be prepared".

How TV affects you brain chemistry 3:44

Dumbing Down America Mass Media Programming 4:41 For "America" substitute "Australia"

What population during wartime would feed themselves upon a steady diet of propaganda from the enemy? Is this not what we are doing right now? Wake up Australia!

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