Now let’s start with the full body scanners (egg). We have an agenda to have full body scanners installed in all airports (we will get to motive later). We make sure we have a terrorist event (chicken) in which a full body scanner would have prevented such event. Scanners are the answer. Scanners get rolled out.
What we have here is problem, reaction , solution or more technically named the Hegelian Dialectic. It is nothing new. This technique is almost cliché in military, marketing and political circles. It's a cheap parlor trick, but a successful one.
So what evidence is there that this is anything more than another suicidal muslim looking for some western payback and a golden wings queue jump into paradise? From the outset, the official story has wondered and wavered. Kurt Haskell's eyewitness testimony concerning accomplices has been ignored.
The official story is also unbelievable. Again, like 9/11, the plot relies on a complete and comprehensive failure of the security system. Despite the fact that Abdullah's father personally contacted the authroities to warn that he suspected his son to be planning something, they failed to act. They also failed to revoke his visa application even though they had reason to do so.
Jasper Schuringa, the guy who put out the fire, says the suspect was "staring into nothing". This could indicate a religious fruitcake sensing his own demise, or it could also indicate a subject of mind control executing a pre-programmed operation. Look at the CIA's MK-Ultra programs from the 70s.
Next, the way in which the explosives were carried onto the plane, in his “reg grundies”(undies) is exactly the type of concealment that would only be detected by a full strip search. This was not a turban bomb or a shoe bomb or a belt bomb that could be found with current less invasive procedures.
Next, the way in which the explosives were carried onto the plane, in his “reg grundies”(undies) is exactly the type of concealment that would only be detected by a full strip search. This was not a turban bomb or a shoe bomb or a belt bomb that could be found with current less invasive procedures.
So why on earth would authorities want full body scanners in airports? The reason is simple. There is an agenda across the globe to bring populations under greater and greater control. This includes how we use our money, where and how we travel, our health, our consumption, our desires and our reproduction to name just a few. We are being acclimatised to accept this ever increasing level of control and it's being done incrementally, death by a thousand cuts.
Let's just understand what they are asking us to give them. They are wanting a level of access to our bodies that we would normally reserve for the most intimate of human relationships, ie marriage or by medical necessity with our doctor. The details revealed by the scans leave little to the imagination.
There's a fundamental spiritual dimension to this also. When Adam and Eve transgressed against God in the garden, we are told that their eyes were opened and they became aware of their nakedness before God and felt shame, at which point they grabbed for the fig leaves. The naked body scanner reprises this scene, but the state now plays the role of God. It's the ultimate power display over another human to take away their clothing and enforce nakedness. It's the pinnacle of degradation. Remember the images of naked Jews in holocaust camps. Can you imagine anything worse?
To what extent do we tolerate this invasion? “But it's worth the loss of some of our liberties to ensure our security?” What sort of deal is that if the threat is bogus? Benjamin Franklin said “Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither"
Can't you just see the guys at the gate taking more interest in your wife's scan than yours? How long before celebrity scans are leaked on the net and creates a whole new brand of porn? "I told you so" UPDATE: Sharukh Khan scan-dal. What next? Blood tests to check for swine flu? VeriChip has already patented an implantable chip that can send a signal to medical authorities if the host becomes swine flu positive.
We must resist these measures as they are proposed, before they have a chance to spawn. It's much harder to have these things removed once installed and accepted. What you see now is a trend towards totalitarianism. Taken to its logical extent, under a tyrannical regime, it results in loss of free speech, identification of dissenters, detention camps, youth brigades, disappearing of troublemakers etc. You get the drift. Why do you think the greatest protests over the Google Street View rollout came from Germany? The older and wiser folk recognize the architecture of tyranny when they see it.
This very day, our Federal government announced a $200 million program to implement security upgrades at Australian airports. This agenda includes naked body scanners. Will you accept this quietly? You should write to your local member and tell them that you do not support the use of scanners. Consider a display of civil disobedience by refusing loudly to comply at the gate. Don't regret in the years to come that we should have taken action when we had the chance.
$200 million to boost airport security
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