Friday, March 12, 2010

Christians & Truthers

So what's the difference between Christians and (9/11)Truthers? Well, as far as I can see, not much. In fact, you could say that the experience of converting to Christianity and becoming a Truther is similar. Christians talk of being “born again” whilst Truthers speak of “waking up”. Both experience a transformational shift in world view. Both belief systems place emphasis on seeking the “truth”. The search for the truth involves the intellect and takes effort to sift through the disinformation and distractions. One searches for evidence in written records, eye-witness accounts, scientific inquiry and history. Heroes and villains are identified for commendation or condemnation. Either system will propel the adherent to action of some kind in the world around him or her.

You can go on for years searching for information but there comes a time when you have to pin your colours to the mast and commit to adopting or rejecting either view. The price of commitment is often division in the family, loss of friendships and becoming the target of ridicule and labelling like “religious fanatic” or “conspiracy nut”. It is not a stance that one takes lightly.

If Christians and Truthers have so much in common, you would think that Christians would be sympathetic to Truthers. Remember, to the non-believer, religion looks like conspiracy theory. Christians, more than anyone else, should know what it is like to commit to a world view that runs against the current of the generally accepted, to go as a sheep amongst the wolves. You would think...

Over this last week I have started to frequent a Christian discussion forum site with the aim of gauging the current thoughts and attitudes of Christians to the New World Order and 9/11 etc and to foster debate and try “waking up” some Christians . Well, how illuminating. Over several threads about 9/11, NWO, Bush and Obama, it became clear that almost all the posters were adherents of the mainstream media propaganda and anything to the contrary was dismissed outright as “not another truther/conspiracy nut!”. There was no debate, no examination of the evidence and only the most feeble attempts to address any issue by parroting the official story. I was surprised and saddened.

I now have a better appreciation for the power of media to feed us with a contrived reality and the ease at which it is swallowed, regardless of one's belief in Christ. Jesus won the battle for our souls on Calvery, and we are filled with Spirit when first we believe. However, our minds can remain locked in this matrix like world, totally unregenerate. Yes, our moral minds are pulled out of the gutter by the Spirit, but our perception of the physical world goes on largely unchanged. To push the analogy, it's possible to be born again but to remain sound asleep.

We have a responsibility to have an accurate and reliable understanding of the world to be able to effectively operate in it for whatever mission God has placed us here for. Does not a military strategist gather as much intelligence as he can on the enemy before planning for battle? This post WW2 generation has quickly forgotten how bad government can get when only a small but influential element can steer the state into satanic mayhem. Why should our western governments be immune?

Anyway, why not try spending less time hanging around where we are preaching to the converted and visit some mainstream forums. You might find this more palatable than going down to the mall and handing out 9/11 flyers!


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