Monday, April 27, 2009

Flu for You

Are you starting to feel the pressure?

We've got our war on terror crisis. We have allowed them to take away our liberties and privacy in exchange for security.

Then there's the global warming crisis. We're letting them set up a global taxation system in the guise of a scheme to save the planet.

Let's push it up a notch to the global financial crisis. They have taken away our jobs and our retirement savings. (Have you looked at your superannuation statement lately? Most of us have lost five figures or more) We are being sold a new global economic order because the old one is clearly past its use-by date.

Now we are facing a pandemic health crisis in the form of swine flu. We will now welcome world-wide martial law shut down of people movement everywhere to limit the spread of contagion.

For those who are seasoned watchers of the New World Order (NWO), this latest development is not a surprise. A pandemic health crisis has been predicted for a long time. It's all part of a predictable agenda.

Noone in their right mind would welcome world government by bankers and the elite. We voted for our politicians to rule our lives, didn't we? I don't remember asking bankers to restructure my world.

The traditional way tyrannical regimes bring about unpopular structural change is to take advantage of the people as they reel through crisis in the hope that they are too preoccupied or stressed or dead to put up a fight. These crises are, for the most part, generated deliberately. Is Swine Flu a biological weapon? Why are the micro-biologists going missing?

There's nothing much more we can be terrorised with. What are we missing?

Internet cyber-terrorism is on the cards. What would happen if the w.w.w. fell over tomorrow? I don't think we've really thought that through. Just about every business and service would be crippled instantly. Only today I read that given the current growth projections, they are worried that if we all log on at once sometime in 2011, the whole net will freeze.

A full on WWIII is a possibility, but that could get a little messy and out of control.

A world food crisis? M o n s a n t o are well on target with that if they can convince us to eat their GMOs then orchestrate global crop failure. See The world according to M o n s a n t o.

What about world wide spiritual crisis? Huh?! What would it take to shake the very foundational beliefs of the peoples of the world? What if aliens landed on the Whitehouse lawn and told us that Erich Von Daniken got it right with his book "Chariots of the Gods" and God was an astronaut? What if huge apocalyptic images of demons appeared in the sky over your city accompanied by earthquakes? What if the wrong deity appeared and you've backed the wrong horse over all these years? Far fetched? Research Project Blue Beam. See video. The technology exists.

Given what's been thrown at us so far, is it unreasonable to forecast trends? Don't you bet on Saturday's footy match on the strength of your team's recent track record? Well I can tell you that the NWO is scoring all the points at the moment because, we, the opposition, aren't even on the field. Some of us are shouting from pitch to those sitting in the stands to get off your butts and get in the game. If we just stood there and did nothing but get in their way we would win. Look at how many there are of us and how few there are of them.

Like I asked at the start, are you starting to feel the pressure? That's how they want it.

If you are a citizen of the Kingdom, you know how this will pan out. You've already seen the replays and you know you're on the winning team. If you are still outside the Kingdom, the amnesty is still in operation. Get in quick whilst there's still time on the clock. Whether you're a believer or not, there is still a role for you to play in the resistance to the NWO. Game on.

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