Monday, November 9, 2009

The Hard Evidence

If you live in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Wellington, you have a rare opportunity to listen to some of the big hitters in the Truth Movement this coming week. Richard Gage, founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth will headline the Hard Evidence Tour in Australia.

Sydney 14-15th Nov
Melbourne 17th Nov
Brisbane 19th Nov
Wellington 21st Nov

Richard has given the movement a huge dose of respectability by engaging the minds of building professionals around the globe. His presentation is absolutely compelling, the evidence indesputable. The number of professional signatories to is now approaching 1000.

Also on the speaker list is Dr Steven Jones. Steven is a physicist who has spent years studying the physics of 9/11. He has lost his prestigious position at Brigham Young University for going public on 9/11 truth. He has been instrumental in bringing the evidence for the presence of nano-thermite in 9/11 dust samples.
We Aussies don't often get an opportunity to hear from speakers of this callibre. Don't miss it! If you're an architect or engineer, you can have a significant impact for truth by becoming a signatory.